
Interdisciplinary Studies have been woven into the fabric of the Modern Person. Due to the emergence of the internet/World-Wide-Web, the average person has access to more information than any one person can absorb. Along with people living longer there is now room for one person to have more than one calling over their life.

If it takes ten thousand hours to become a master, then the average 100 year lifespan has 876,000 collective hours to divvy between several fields of study or branches of knowledge. Modern Science seems to agree that it takes about twenty-five years for the human brain to fully develop and so that still leaves 657,000 hours of adult life to master several fields of study. If we spend half of that time sleeping and eating, then we are still left with 328,500 hours of awake time as an adult to focus on things we love or things that inspire us.

That means that we can choose up to 32.85 different things to master before we die. The goal is not to be morbid, but to realize the potential we all have when getting an opportunity to live life. If you were to make a list of 32 things to become a master at, then what would be on that list? Can you come up with 32 passions?

Considering knowledge as things both seen and unseen, here are guides towards two main branches of science/knowledge from which all knowledge is built upon. Imagine a tree with perfect balance and symmetry. At the trunk of the tree there is a split. On the left is Cognitive Science with its many branches, and on the right is Physical Science with its many branches. Which side of the tree do you find yourself gravitating more towards?

Cognitive Science- the study of thought, learning, and mental organization, which draws on aspects of psychology, linguistics, philosophy, and computer modeling.

Physical Science- the study of inanimate natural objects, including physics, chemistry, astronomy, and related subjects.

Pairing six main Cognitive Sciences with six main Physical Sciences…

  1. Philosophy and Physics regarding the material and immaterial Universe reflecting on itself.
  2. Linguistics and Chemistry regarding Universal communications and its laws within the Universe.
  3. Anthropology and Human Biology regarding the uniqueness of Life and its relativity against the Universe.
  4. Neuroscience and Biology regarding the presentation of Life and its formations within the Universe.
  5. Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Biology regarding Evolution and the potential for immortality within the Universe.
  6. Psychology and Astronomy regarding the analysis of the Universe and its function within itself.