UNIVERSAL DEVELOPMENT: 6 months – 1 year:

Morning Activities:

Interactive Play: Start with soft, safe toys that encourage touch and exploration, like textured balls or soft blocks.

Reading Time: Short, colorful books with large pictures to stimulate visual and auditory skills.

Music and Movement: Play soothing or playful music. Encourage him to move to the rhythm to develop motor skills.

Late Morning to Early Afternoon:

Sensory Bins: Use items like cooked pasta, rice, or oatmeal in a bin for sensory play. Supervise closely to ensure safety.

Stacking and Sorting Games: Introduce toys that allow stacking and sorting by size or color, which can help with problem-solving skills.

Mirror Play: Playing in front of a mirror helps babies develop self-awareness and social skills.

Afternoon to Early Evening:

Outdoor Time: If possible, some time outside can help with sensory stimulation and provide a change of scenery. Simple activities like watching leaves move or feeling different textures outdoors can be enriching.

High Chair Activities: While he’s in the high chair, you can introduce simple finger foods to explore during snack times, along with safe kitchen utensils like wooden spoons or plastic bowls for exploration.

Interactive Toys: Toys that require action and reaction, such as pop-up toys, push-and-pull toys, or anything with buttons that make sounds or lights.

Evening Routine (Post-Nap to Bedtime):

Calm Play: Engage in quieter activities like soft puzzles, plush toys, or reading more books to wind down.

Music Box or Soft Music: As bedtime approaches, soothing music can help transition from playtime to sleep time.

Weekly Themes:

To keep the curriculum engaging and fresh, you could introduce weekly themes. For example:

Animal Week: Books, toys, and activities related to different animals.

Color Week: Focus on a specific color each day with toys and activities.

Shape Week: Explore different shapes through toys and simple crafts.

Safety and Engagement

Always supervise closely, especially during activities that involve small objects or edible items.

Adjust activities based on his interest and energy levels; every day might be different, and that’s perfectly okay.

1. Week 1: Color: Red | Shape: Circle | Animal: Bird

2. Week 2: Color: Blue | Shape: Triangle | Animal: Fish

3. Week 3: Color: Yellow | Shape: Square | Animal: Cat

4. Week 4: Color: Green | Shape: Rectangle | Animal: Frog

5. Week 5: Color: Orange | Shape: Star | Animal: Fox

6. Week 6: Color: Purple | Shape: Oval | Animal: Butterfly

7. Week 7: Color: Black | Shape: Heart | Animal: Penguin

8. Week 8: Color: White | Shape: Diamond | Animal: Rabbit

9. Week 9: Color: Gray | Shape: Hexagon | Animal: Mouse

10. Week 10: Color: Red | Shape: Pentagon | Animal: Ladybug

11. Week 11: Color: Blue | Shape: Circle | Animal: Whale

12. Week 12: Color: Yellow | Shape: Triangle | Animal: Duck

13. Week 13: Color: Green | Shape: Square | Animal: Turtle

14. Week 14: Color: Orange | Shape: Rectangle | Animal: Squirrel

15. Week 15: Color: Purple | Shape: Star | Animal: Bat

16. Week 16: Color: Black | Shape: Oval | Animal: Bear

17. Week 17: Color: White | Shape: Heart | Animal: Sheep

18. Week 18: Color: Gray | Shape: Diamond | Animal: Koala

19. Week 19: Color: Red | Shape: Hexagon | Animal: Cardinal

20. Week 20: Color: Blue | Shape: Pentagon | Animal: Peacock

21. Week 21: Color: Yellow | Shape: Circle | Animal: Canary

22. Week 22: Color: Green | Shape: Triangle | Animal: Iguana

23. Week 23: Color: Orange | Shape: Square | Animal: Tiger

24. Week 24: Color: Purple | Shape: Rectangle | Animal: Octopus

25. Week 25: Color: Black | Shape: Star | Animal: Crow

26. Week 26: Color: White | Shape: Oval | Animal: Polar Bear

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